Saturday, February 23, 2013

Frack Ban and Petition Shenanigans in Colorado

On Tuesday, February 19 the Fort Collins (Colorado) City Council voted 5 - 2 to give initial approval to an ordinance that would prohibit all oil and gas exploration activity within city limits. The final vote will take place March 5. But in the intervening days, they've got a lot to discuss.

For instance: who really signed the petition that supposedly came from business owners in favor of fracking within town limits? Because Cali Rastrelli, who used to work at Big Bill Pizza, has no idea how his name got on the petition headed "Vote NO on the Fort Collins Frack Ban". He sure didn't put it there - and the pizza joint, located an hour and a half south of Fort Collins, has no stake in the matter. And to top it off, whoever signed his name spelled it wrong.

Rastrelli's not the only one;  22 of the 55 business owners who supposedly signed onto the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA) -sponsored pro-fracking petition told the local press that they were mistakenly included. Either someone signed their name, or they didn't know what the petition was for. And, in some cases, the business owners were against drilling and fracking within the city - boy, weren't they surprised to see their names on the list.

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